Who We Are


Apostle Damon C. Davis is the Senior Apostle, Founder and Leader of Kingdom Now Apostolic Ministries International and Thrust Apostolic Network (T.A.N.) ministries and ministers. He flows in a very potent accurate prophetic anointing as well as revelatory teaching grace with a kingdom emphasis on worship, warfare, ministry to the Lord, prophecy, healing, deliverance, and breakthrough. His heart is, through training and equipping, to see mighty believers and powerful five fold ministry gifts raised up demonstrating the realities of the Kingdom of God throughout the Earth with miracles signs and wonders following! Apostle D.C.Davis has been in ministry some 25 years and has served in many different positions including worship leader, minister of music, head of the school of the prophets, deliverance trainer, teacher in the [school of the Holy Spirit and Assistant pastor. he resides in Romulus, Michigan with his lovely wife Apostle Kelly M. Davis and they share six children between them.

Apostle K.Davis serves as a Senior Apostolic Leader , Teacher, Equipper, and Builder at KNAMI , while also serving as covering for it with several other ministries such as Thrust Apostolic Network (TAN),Apostolic & Prophetic Wombs Womens Ministry, and MAPPS(Michigan Advancing Prayer Portals & Strategies). Apostle K.Davis was ignited in ministry in 1998 where she began as an Evangelist doing extensive preaching to the lost, and winning souls to Jesus. This included church & outdoor revivals, ministering in hospitals,shelters,city & community centers, and prisons for years. She witnessed and was used to see hundreds upon hundreds lives transformed through the message of The Cross. She went on to occupy the office of Prophet, and operated as a lead Prophet for years. It was a burning passion then, as now to “help” and “teach” others to KNOW The Lord in a deeper way, and to “hear his voice “. Apostle Davis adores & treasures the prophetic grace on her life and relies heavily upon it now in her current office as an Apostle in the Church of The Lord Jesus Christ. Presently she labors alongside her husband Apostle D.C Davis , as she continues steadfastly pioneering  in digging new spiritual wells, leading and teaching while activating spiritual sons & daughters, disciples, 5 fold ministry gifts, and mentees to discover and tap into their eternal purpose in Christ…to know WHY THEY WERE BORN! This scripture governs Apostle Davis’s life “ Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David , and upon his kingdom to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of The Lord of Host will perform this.” (Isa. 9:7)

“Woman after the heart of God…”

The heart of Apostle Brian & Prophetess Kathy Rivers  is operating as a team according to Ephesians 2:20 . They are passionate about their responsibility as part of the five fold in equipping and preparing the body of Christ for the work of the ministry . They have served under the covering of Kingdom Now ministries Intl’ for 7 years and currently serving as Senior Pastors.

What we believe

We believe the Bible is the inspired only infallible written Word of God.
We believe there is only ONE God eternally existent as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
We believe in the deity and incarnation of Christ Our Lord and Saviour.
We believe in Jesus Christ death, burial and resurrection.
We believe in Salvation and Justification by Faith through Grace , and sanctification and glorification in Christ Jesus.
We believe in The Baptism of The Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
We believe in the “ gifts of The Spirit “.
We believe in the Fivefold ministry gifts of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists,Pastors, and Teachers.

Kingdom Mandate

Kingdom Now Apostolic Ministries Intl. a regional Church with a divine mandate to bring Apostolic reformation to the Nations. To revive, renew, and present PRESENT Truth concerning the Creators Kingdom to The Lords Church. We wish to train, identify, equip and develop others to live a Godly and Prophetic lifestyle. To empower people to operate in their God given authority through spiritual warfare. Bringing deliverance to others through the equipping of the Saints for the “ work of the ministry “. By operating in and releasing Prophetic worship. To raise up whole & healthy families and generations to follow. To produce Market place ministers to impact our culture. To operate as a New Testament Church in a contemporary society preaching The Gospel to the world.